Identity artwork can be visited until 7th december at Leccomilano, Milano. The exhibition, “Tutti gli amori della mia vita”, is a project from Paolo Portulari, artist who shows…
Art works by Saara Maria Cariranta, Joanes Simon Perret, Quelic Berga and Mirko Nikolic. Quelic Berga will present his work on dwindling bee populations and the spiralling patterns…
QUELIC BERGA & DAMIÀ VIVES: THIS IS NOT A DEMONSTRATION «És, paradoxalment, una manifestació en tota regla, de la mateixa manera que no fer res és també…
iAm at Digital4C, 27th and 28th February at Arts Santa Mònica, Barcelona The first ever Digital4C will take place on 27 and 28 February at Arts Santa Mònica…
Frontiers in Retreat is a research residency platform that fosters multidisciplinary dialogue on ecological issues within a new European network involving artist residencies, art and education organisations, artists,…
L’obra iAm, projecte de recerca iniciada en el projecte final de grau de Realització Audiovisual i Multimèdia de l’ERAM, i guanyadora d’una de les Beques Saltus 2012, es…
El Laboratori d’interactius del Centre Cívic Sant Jordi-Riera Baixa del Prat de LLobregat inaugura demà una exposició d’obres que conviden a interactuar amb les noves tecnologies. La mostra…
“This is not a demonstration” is the result of a colaboration with the Vertical Submarine art collective from Singapore that began with their exhibition at the Ingràvid Festival…