Category: Conferències i tallers

(Español) Charla en el Canòdrom de Barcelona “Folio, el reto de unir un campus virtual universitario creando una red social basada en WordPress”

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(Català) He participat en el programa de Marcos Díaz i María Gómez, La Brúixola d’Onda Cero.

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Folio presentation at

Pannel at ECREA 2018 )

I presented a brief talk at the ECREA pannel “The digital future of reality: interactive documentaries as tools to process and tackle complex representations of the mediated world”…

(Català) Interessant taula rodona en homenatge a Núria Font

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(Español) Imparto un Coursea sobre “Big Data: visualización de datos”

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A talk about Artistic Data Visualizations in french at la Chambre Blanche (Quebec City)

Lecture “Art is to me a way to use media.” at the University of the Arts from Belgrade

This Monday I have given a presentation about my last works, specially focused on generative artworks such as iAm (2013) or Babel Quàntic (2009), but also the recent…

(Català) Taller de Disseny Gràfic Generatiu

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The interface is political, design is subjective and the user ignores it.

What implications does digital culture have for the teaching and praxis of design and the arts? #edcd aims at creating a space of communication among different educational actors,…

Introductory Workshop to Processing

An intensive weekend to discover the potential, beauty and the possibilities of drawing using code. An introduction to, one of the most used tools to teach programation…

Art Matters International Conference

Last December 11 and 12 Art Matters International Conference 2014 was organized at the Art History Faculty of the Universitat de Barcelona. Art Matters International Conference 2014 hopes…

Time and Space Arts Seminar (Helsinki)

I joined Anna Lundh at the University of the Arts of Helsinki (KUVA) for the Time and Space Arts Seminar  on December. The study programme of Time and…

WIRKT – Workshop on interdisciplinary research and knowledge transfer

Vaig tenir l’honor de poder participar en el workshop sobre transferència de coneixement i recerca interdisciplinar durant els dies 9, 10 i 11 de juliol. El taller dirigit…