Category: ArtPage 1 of 6

Exposició de Patrons a la Universitat Oberta de Catalunya

En el marc de la defensa de la tesi “Creació i investigació crítica d’interfícies gràfiques d’usuari per a l’edició audiovisual” he muntat una exposició al Hub Interdisciplinari de…

(Català) Interessant taula rodona en homenatge a Núria Font

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(Català) Creació del microsite Cicle d’Arbres Monumentals

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(Català) Manual d’intrusions: Materials per l’assignatura Projecte Artístic en obert!

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(Català) Vídeo resum de la residència a La Chambre Blanche (Quebec)

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10.000 ways to say almost the same.

LA CHAMBRE BLANCHE welcomes Catalan artist Quelic Berga for a residency part of the exchange program with the Bòlit centre of Girona with the support of the Ramon…

New publication of Frontiers In Reterat european artistic project!

We are pleased to announce that the Frontiers in Retreat booklet is now online! It is available in Issuu, both for preview and downloads.  

(Català) Expo d’INSACIABLES a LA VOLTA (8 octubre 16)

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Squear MEATres / MEATres quadrats

In this occasion I propose an intervention at one of Farrera’s grazing meadows, visible from several points from the village. It’s about how much fertile ground consumption is…

Chronicle from Aplec SAÓ

The residence and preparation of SAO Aplec this year has borne fruit in a great residence full of nature, artists and special guests. I was able to work…

(Català) 3er aplec SAÓ

EL Diumenge dia 11 d’octubre, a partir de les 11h del matí, tindrà lloc el 3r Aplec de Saó on es presentarà el projecte i es farà un…

Melting Earth

A film made by Quelic Berga, Saara-Maria Kariranta, Joanes Simon Perret and  Marko Mihailovic. Presented at the contemporary art gallery of Zrenjanin, Serbia (2014). With the support of…

Homage at Milestone 2015

Many of the names of streets and squares reminiscent of historical figures which have major importance for that municipality, country or even globally. Homage is a reminder to…

Exhibition at Casal Lambda

An  exhibition at Casal Lambda shows the work of two artists, Paolo Portuari and Quelic Berga. The two proposals distills the interest on the representing of sexual identity…

iAm exhibiton at 3er esquerra

Until June 12 you can go visit the 3rd esquerra space in the center of Girona.You’ll find iAm, which is exposed in the cycle Realitats alterades organized and…