Avui al KC Grad participo al Deli Monday com a artista convidat, juntament amb Saara Maria Kariranta i Joanes Simon-Perret, a una acció on cuinarem un plat tradicional serbi – mućkalica. El Deli Monday està organitzat juntament amb la Pride Week, amb la finalitat de donar suport a la propera LGBT parade del proper 28 de setembre. L’event compta amb el suport de l’ambaixador finès, Pekka Orpana, que degustarà amb tots nosaltres aquesta nova versió de la mućkalica.
*Frontiers in Retreat is a research residency platform that fosters multidisciplinary dialogue on ecological issues. The network gathers the artistic residency programs, artistic and educational organizations, artists, experts in various disciplines as well as a wider audience. Frontiers in Retreat is organised by HIAP – Helsinki International Artist Programme in partnership with the art organisations Mustarinda, Finland; Scottish Sculpture Workshop – SSW, Scotland; Interdisciplinary Art Group SERDE, Latvia; Cultural Front – GRAD, Serbia; Centre d’Art i Natura de Farrera, Spain; Skaftfell – Center for Visual Art, Iceland; and Jutempus, Lithuania. The project is supported by the EU Culture Programme 2013 – 2018 and is supported by the Ministry of Culture and Information of the Republic of Serbia and the French Institute in Belgrade.